When I See The Blood

Sunday, 24 May 2015

HER NAME WAS NEVER MENTIONED - Extract from Chapter One.

Extract From Chapter One

It is quite interesting that a woman whose testimony has touched a lot of lives in the body of Christ today, does not have her name mentioned in scriptures. The above verse says, “a certain woman”.  When you go through the Hall of Fame as recorded in Hebrews 11, which gives us a catalogue of great men in the bible who had done great exploits through their faith in God, you will discover that certain names of bible heroes such as  Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah and Moses were all mentioned not to say the least.

However, here we are looking at the story of a woman who taught us a great deal about the workings of  faith, than most of the  believers mentioned in the bible. This goes a long way to tells us that the grace and the mercies of God are not influenced by a man’s name or reputation. Apostle Peter also realized this in the book of Acts 10:34, when he said, “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

The fact people do not know you by name, or you are not as highly educated as many of your peers or friends should not stop you from receiving a miracle touch from God. He focuses more on what is in our heart rather than what we have achieved in life. God did not reward this woman’s status, He rewarded her faith. No one gave this woman a second glance when she went in search of Jesus, but that did not stop her from encountering the miraculous. No man will ever get any blessing from God based on his social or political status in the society. God’s grace is impartial and just. It response to faith and not to your reputation or status in life.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Speak God's Word & Change Your World - eBook

God created the world through the power of His word, and then created man to think and act like Him. God has placed His word in our mouth, and when we speak it, the power to brings supernatural changes to our lives is released. It dies not matter how messy or dark your world may be right now. There is enough power in God's word to enforce a change. 

In this this mini-book David Odunaiya reveals your ability to change what is going on in your world, through the power of the Spoken Word".


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